How to Become a NADEX Squatter and Collect “Free Money” from NADEX

How to Become a NADEX Squatter and Collect “Free Money” from NADEX

How to Make Money from Premium by Buying NADEX In The Money Binary Options

Are you looking for a way to make money from premium by buying NADEX in the money binary options? If so, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll show you how to do just that, and we’ll also recommend some products from that can help you achieve your goals.

First, let’s explain what we mean by “premium” and “in the money” binary options.

Premium refers to the price of an option contract above its intrinsic value. In other words, it’s the extra amount that you pay for the option contract beyond its actual value. For example, if a binary option has a strike price of $50 and the underlying asset’s price is $60, the option contract has an intrinsic value of $10. If the option contract is selling for $15, the premium is $5 ($15 – $10).

In the money refers to a binary option that has an intrinsic value greater than zero. In other words, it’s a binary option that has a strike price below the current price of the underlying asset. For example, if a binary option has a strike price of $50 and the underlying asset’s price is $60, the option contract is in the money by $10.

Now, let’s talk about how to make money from premium by buying NADEX in the money binary options.

The key to this strategy is to identify binary options that are in the money and have a high premium. The higher the premium, the more money you can make from the option contract. However, it’s important to note that a high premium also means that the option contract is more expensive, so you’ll need to have a higher budget to execute this strategy.

To get started, you’ll need to open an account with NADEX, which is the North American Derivatives Exchange. NADEX is a regulated exchange that offers binary options on a variety of underlying assets, including stocks, indices, forex, and commodities.

Once you have an account with NADEX, you can start searching for in the money binary options with high premiums. You can use the NADEX platform’s built-in search function to find options that meet your criteria.

Here’s an example of how to search for in the money binary options with high premiums on NADEX:

1. Log in to your NADEX account and navigate to the platform’s search function.
2. In the “Underlying” field, select the asset you want to trade. For example, let’s say you want to trade Apple (AAPL) stock.
3. In the “Expiration” field, select the expiration date you want to trade. For example, let’s say you want to trade the AAPL option with an expiration date of 10:00 AM today.
4. In the “Strike Price” field, select the strike price you want to trade. For example, let’s say you want to trade the AAPL option with a strike price of $100.
5. In the “Type” field, select “Call” or “Put” depending on your market bias. For example, let’s say you want to buy a call option.
6. Click the “Search” button to see a list of available options.
7. Look for options that are in the money and have a high premium. For example, let’s say you find an AAPL call option with a strike price of $100 and a premium of $5.
8. Click on the option contract to see its details.
9. If you like the option contract, you can buy it by clicking the “Buy” button.

That’s it! By following these steps, you can find and buy NADEX in the money binary options with high premiums.

Now, let’s talk about some product recommendations from that can help you execute this strategy.

1. Binary Options Mastery Program: This program is designed to help you become a profitable binary options trader. It includes a comprehensive training course, as well as access to a community of like-minded traders and live trading sessions.
2. NADEX Binary Options Trading Signals: These signals are designed to help you identify potential trades

NADEX (North American Derivatives Exchange) is a premier platform for trading binary options, knock-outs, and call spreads. While many traders focus on the fast-paced, high-risk world of out-of-the-money (OTM) trading, there’s a lesser-known strategy that can provide consistent profits with minimal risk: In The Money (ITM) trading. In this blog post, we’ll explore the art of NADEX ITM trading and show you how to become a NADEX squatter, collecting “free money” from the exchange.

What is NADEX ITM Trading?

In The Money (ITM) trading involves buying binary options that are already in the money, meaning the underlying asset’s price is above the strike price for calls or below the strike price for puts. This strategy focuses on riding the momentum of the market, rather than trying to predict its direction. ITM trading is considered a lower-risk approach, as the option is already in profit, and the goal is to collect the remaining value before expiration.

Benefits of NADEX ITM Trading

  1. Lower Risk: ITM trading involves buying options that are already profitable, reducing the risk of losses.
  2. Higher Probability of Profit: With the option already in the money, the likelihood of collecting a profit is higher.
  3. Less Emotional Stress: ITM trading eliminates the need to constantly monitor the market, reducing emotional stress and anxiety.
  4. Potential for Consistent Income: By mastering ITM trading, you can generate consistent profits, providing a steady income stream.

How to Become a “NADEX Squatter”

To become a NADEX squatter and collect “free money” from the exchange, follow these steps:

  1. Understand NADEX ITM Trading: Familiarize yourself with the concept of ITM trading, including the benefits and risks.
  2. Choose the Right Market: Focus on liquid markets with high trading volumes, such as the S&P 500 or EUR/USD.
  3. Identify ITM Opportunities: Use technical analysis and market sentiment to identify ITM trading opportunities.
  4. Buy ITM Options: Purchase binary options that are already in the money, with a high probability of expiring in the money.
  5. Monitor and Adjust: Monitor your trades and adjust your strategy as needed to maximize profits.
  6. Collect Your Profits: Allow your ITM options to expire, collecting the full profit.

Tips and Tricks for NADEX ITM Trading

  1. Use Technical Analysis: Utilize technical indicators, such as moving averages and RSI, to identify ITM trading opportunities.
  2. Diversify Your Portfolio: Spread your trades across multiple markets to minimize risk.
  3. Set Realistic Goals: Establish achievable profit targets and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  4. Stay Disciplined: Avoid impulsive decisions based on emotions, sticking to your ITM trading plan.
  5. Continuously Learn: Stay up-to-date with market conditions and refine your ITM trading strategy.

NADEX ITM trading offers a unique opportunity to collect “free money” from the exchange by mastering the art of riding the momentum of the market. By understanding the benefits and risks of ITM trading, choosing the right market, and identifying ITM opportunities, you can become a NADEX squatter and generate consistent profits. Remember to stay disciplined, continuously learn, and adjust your strategy to maximize your returns. Start your NADEX ITM trading journey today and discover the potential for consistent income with minimal risk.

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