Sign Up for the Affiliate Notification Newsletter and Be Redirected to Your ClickBank Links Page

We put several products under one account and we will be adding more.  We have specific links that go to specific pages so you’ll need those links.

For our other higher ticket affiliate program (since Clickbank does not take high ticket items) you can use our main affiliate program.  Currently it has a 40% and 10% 2 tier.

Stay on the newsletter!  We will only be emailing your things directly related to our products to promote and new products you can promote of ours.   Nothing else. So pay attention to our emails.   Not doing so could cost you a lot of money.   We are looking to launch MANY new products to ClickBank over time in part, to make YOU money to pay attention.

Also if you have suggestion for products to make that you know can score, email us and tell us.  We can make a lot of things happen.  And we hope to be able to help many of you as affiliates make a very nice additional income stream by promoting our products. So think in this way: use us to do all the product creation, customer managemnt and all the other hassles to help you make more money.  Let us know conversion elements you know to work that you think we should do.  Most products are a test and a tweak away from becoming home runs for you. So speak up and let us know.  You can always contact us from our contact form.   Thanks!  Now go tear it up.


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