with Systems Results Going from a $4,230 a Day Average to a $14,833 a Day Average!

VECTOR92.0 NADEX Precision 20 Minute Expiration Binary Options System & Strategy provides a stable, solid consistent approach way of trading the 20 minute  binary options expiration.

VECTOR92.0 is a way for potentially making a living from binary options. We have taken the proven system of the past evolved it even to the point where one of our students mentioned that system allowed him to live the lifestyle he would never been able to live before…  so we took that system to transform it into what is now the more precise VECTOR92.0.

  • VECTOR92.0is a stable concept based on price action that you can learn pretty quickly.
  • The key is to learn the system and go study it so you can gain confidence in and go put the work.
  • VECTOR92.0is a great system for beginners because it’s fairly easy to trade and can give you a potential of being able to get started even with a small trading account.
  • The system uses the NADEX 20 min. binary options expiration with the ATM binary – so we’re aiming for expiration.

VECTOR9 Systems Results Performance Sample …. BUT WAIT! There’s More!  See VECTOR92.0 Systems Results As We Turbo Charged VECTOR9!

VECTOR9 NQ All Day   US Tech 100       W L NET ATM
20-Sep LWWWWWWWWWWW       11 1 10 $ 4,500.00
  WWWWLWWWLLWLWWWWWWWWWL       17 5 12 $ 5,400.00
  WWWWWWWWLWWWWWWWW       16 1 15 $ 6,750.00
  LWLWWWWWLWLWWLW       10 5 5 $ 2,250.00
16-Sep WWWLLWWLWWWWWWWW       13 3 10 $ 4,500.00
        Totals 67 15 52 $23,400.00
  Wall Street 30           Daily Avg: $ 4,680.00
20-Sep LWWWWLWLWLWWWWWWWLW       14 5 9 $ 4,050.00
  WLLWWWWWWWWWWWLW       13 3 10 $ 4,500.00
  LWWLLWWWWWWW       9 3 6 $ 2,700.00
  WWLWWWWWWLWWL       10 3 7 $ 3,150.00
16-Sep LWWWWWWWWWWWWWW       14 1 13 $ 5,850.00
  LWLWWWWWWWLWWLWWWWW       15 4 11 $ 4,950.00
        Totals 61 14 47 $21,150.00
              Daily Avg: $ 4,230.00

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NEW VECTOR92.0 “Cash Flow Machine” Systems Results Performance Sample

Check this out! We discovered a little tweak for VECTOR9 and sometimes it’s just a little tweak that’s all it takes to get different, better results.
Now VECTOR92.0 has taken on a little bit of a different style as you can see compared to version 1.0 in that there are many more trades.
And so some of you may look at all those trades and think ‘wow that’s a lot of trades’ – but you know what what?  When you get in the groove and you see your account value marching up then trading  VECTOR92.0 gets more and more fun.
How do you get started in a system like this?   You just simply get the math all set up whereas let’s say you have $1000 in your account.
So let’s just say that you figured that after you practice the method and know that you can get similar wins to loss rates as VECTOR92.0 then you can get a a feel of what position size to use.   If you start off with a bunch of wins in a row – well that’s easy of course.  But if you start with losses due to the system or mistakes – how many in a row can be handled before you get back onto the wins groove? 
So let’s say you figure that you should put on one contract per ATM trade as of 5% position sizes. With NADEX 20 min. binary options you should be able to have an at the money position or very close to it most of the time.
And really what you can do is that you can demo trade but sometimes the demo trading account is a little different than the live trading account.  So what you do is that you just put on the order in a live trading account all the way to the last step but instead of sending the order in click off to the right pretending that you are sending in the order. 
Now that may sound silly to some people but it’s extremely valuable to practice like this. Why so? Because you are  working out your mechanics of the system and you choosing the proper NADEX strike in real time.
See in NADEX it is not as easy as old-school binaries because you have to go find your strike and you to do so super quickly. But once you get used to it you can do very well. And that’s really the formula essentially of becoming very successful in trading binary options.
It’s a cash flow churning style system and can be VERY FUN to Trade! 

VECTOR92.0  Some Performance Examples

    WWWLLWLWLWWWLWWWWWWWLWLWLWWWWWWWWWLWWWLW = 25 L 56 W NET 31 OR $1,550 PER CONTRACT OR $15,500 PER 10 CONTRACTS OR $155,000 IN A DAY per 100 cts. All trading a simple, fun, lots of action easy way to trade and potentially CRUSH IT in the 20 min binaries. This is with an average of 50/50 reward to risk ATM NADEX 20 min binary.
  •  WWWLWWLLWWWWLLLWWLLWWLLWWWWWLWLLLWWWWWLLWWWWWLWWWWLWLWWWWLWLWWWWWLWWLWWWWLLWLLWWWWWLWL 29 L 58 W NET 29 = $1450 per contract or $14,500 per ten contracts.    Mar 12 2021 – still VECTORING away cranking out profits.

What Will You Need to Trade VECTOR9 2.0?

  1. It’s fast to learn the system.
  2. You’ll want to practice consistent reaction to the price trigger setup and correct action of entry.
  3. Then pretend trade real time (do everything except the last click of putting the order in) and you’ll get it down pat.
  4. How long to take to master? Hmm a few days? A week or two before using real money? Depends on how comfortable you are.
  5. In order to trade this system you must trade every system trade- no picking and choosing. On the other hand, that makes it easy because you don’t need to think, guess, figure anything out: You just see. Do. Like caveman/cavewoman.
  6. If you like churning, stacking and cranking out profits – those styles of systems then this system is for you.
  7. So get your money management position sizing right.  Divide it up.  What’s a good starting amount?  2% to 5% then find your personal average winning percent and your personal draw down streak issues. 
  8. Why would it be personal?  Because:
    1. Your ability to concentrate and be there.
    2. Your ability to get the system down pat and get in a groove.
    3. Your ability to enjoy the system and have fun trading it.
    4. Your ability to hit the best NADEX strike which would be ATM favoring slightly ITM…

Why Buy VECTOR92.0 and Put it to Work?

  1. We’ve been at the binary options game a long time. We were the first to develop a system for binary options and then develop obviously many more from there. And what we have found is that there are certain types of systems that many people do well with which are just absolutely Rock Solid in their approach. And this VECTOR92.0  is one of those systems.
  2.  If you looking for a potential long-term cash flows solution then you want a type of binary options system that can be steadily employed without depending on what’s going on in the markets that day.
  3.  Most successful  Traders finally get to the point where they stopped trying to figure out the markets and they just simply employ a simple trading system. This is the growth process of becoming a great trader as you can learn about in those books call the Market wizards and  “How I Made $2000000 in the Stock Market” by Nicolas Darvas.
  4.  Looking for a system  that you can just fire away from the start potentially growing a small account into a big one? You may want to then purchase VECTOR92.0  learn it, practice it and then employ it into the markets.

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Features of VECTOR92.0

  1. A very simple straightforward price action based trading system that you can trade whenever you want.
  2. Exact entry and exit rules. You don’t have to think in terms of trying to guess which way the market is going to go. That’s all built into the system where you just take all the trades in a row because that’s how a system works.
  3. VECTOR92.0  trades the 20-minute NADEX binary options expiration.
  4. An exact clear way you can just “hack out” –  no finesse needed except to enter in a timely fashion from your entry trigger without the money or even slightly in the money NADEX binary options

Benefits of VECTOR92.0

  1. VECTOR92.0  provides a stable approach to trading and markets that could become a potential life solution for cash flow.
  2. Upon mastering the system  you could have a way of quickly compounding up the size of your account with proper compounding adding a new position as soon as your account  grows a certain amount.
  3. No need to strain the brain or the heart trying to figure out which way the markets are going to go. You just pop on these trades and let the system do its thing.
  4.  Over time you’ll learn to trust the system by practicing getting used to it. This is a great learning lesson in life where you obtain or develop a system, get used to it, get better at it and then become great at trading that system so it’s like nothing and gets to the point of being a habit.
  5. Imagine having a cash-flow habit that could get you the results that you see below. What you see below is just with a minimal contract amount call in what if you start increasing your contract amounts?
  6.  So for example on this particular day of March 12th we see this NET 29 = $1450 per contract or $14,500 per ten contracts.   So now what if you traded 100 contracts?  $145,000 a day profits?  See how this works? Take advantage of the system and put it to work before others do.

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Why Buy VECTOR92.0 and Put it to Work?

  1. We’ve been at the binary options game a long time. We were the first to develop a system for binary options and then develop obviously many more from there. And what we have found is that there are certain types of systems that many people do well with which are just absolutely Rock Solid in their approach. And this VECTOR92.0  is one of those systems.
  2.  If you looking for a potential long-term cash flows solution then you want a type of binary options system that can be steadily employed without depending on what’s going on in the markets that day.
  3.  Most successful  Traders finally get to the point where they stopped trying to figure out the markets and they just simply employ a simple trading system. This is the growth process of becoming a great trader as you can learn about in those books call the Market wizards and  “How I Made $2000000 in the Stock Market” by Nicolas Darvas.
  4.  Looking for a system  that you can just fire away from the start potentially growing a small account into a big one? You may want to then purchase VECTOR92.0  learn it, practice it and then employ it into the markets.

FAQ for VECTOR92.0 NADEX 20 Minute Binary Options Expirations Systems

  1. “What will it take to trade  VECTOR92.0 NADEX 20 Minute Expiration Binary Options System?”    Well you’ll need to buy the system. Learn the system. Practice the system on a demo in order to practice the mechanics. Those of you who have experienced at trading with NADEX  will be able to learn very quickly.  VECTOR9.2 trades ATM binaries so it doesn’t matter how volatility affects NADEX pricing.  You’ll need to be able to simply enter in a timely way with the closest ATM position with a consistent position sized that coordinates with the size of your account.   Usually the maximum number of trades in a 20-minute session is 4  sometimes 5,  you could have less of course.  So you’ll have to take that into account.  Also the key is that you take all the trades in a row. So whether you trade for all day or whether you trade for one 20 minute session you need to trade all the trades in a row. Why? Because that’s the systematic process. That’s how systems work.
  2.  “How much money do I need to start?”   Well on one hand you’ll need enough to cover the amount of maximum positions in a 20-minute session which we determined to be 4 or 5.   And on the other hand the question is will you execute the trades strictly inaccurately? That will take some practice for most people although probably not too much practice. It’s really about making up your mind to execute when you need to. But you can work out that by simply doing demo account trading. Yes we can use the demo account because we are trading at the money so that the NADEX demo can be good practice.  But you do want to check the difference between demo account pricing versus actual real time pricing because sometimes it is different although that should not matter a whole lot since we are going for ATM or slightly ITM binary options positions.. 
  3. “Will I be able to get results shown on this page?”   Well we would hope so! We’ve had students do very well on systems similar to this one, in this machine like style. Are you the system trader type? Or do you need to train yourself to be the system trader type? The entrepreneurial type usually likes to try new things all the time and consequently they often either become good strategy traders or simply get themselves into a lot of trouble looking for some new thing. The systems trader types from our students overtime have been able to do extraordinary really well for those who wrote us back and told us about their success. So ultimately we all have to work out our own details on the inside, getting good at the inner game of trading. And what this also means is that we need to go step-by-step in learning how  to become good at trading a system too.  Take it little litter while not trying to rush ahead and you can do it!

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