
RECURRING BILLING FOR MEMBERSHIPS, TRADING SIGNALS TERMS: If you are signing up for a membership that has monthly billing or any other type of billing that is recurring it is your responsibility to cancel your membership from your members back office. You can do so by logging in, going to Payments/ Access menu button, finding your order and then click on stop recurring. We do not handle cancellation request. You will be responsible for canceling your membership before re billing if you want to cancel. We will not cancel for you. We will not go back and refund your order because you forgot to cancel ahead of time. On the other hand, providing you the ability to manage your own membership gives you the control and advantage as a consumer so you don’t have to worry and you can cancel at anytime you want.

Due to the need to protect the proprietary information we sell, and the need to protect the products of customers who already purchased our products in addition to wide spread customer abuse and theft, we have a NO refund policy. So do not purchase a product if you think you can just access it and get a refund later. That said, we do work with our customers to help them in with their trading questions through our members support ticket system. We want our customers to succeed with our products. Also, if you’re not going to do a good job in trading our products, don’t buy them; we don’t want you making us look bad by not becoming successful with our products. Also, if after exhausting all avenues of trying to get a product well understood by the customer (you), and that product is just not working out, we can replace that product with a better fitting product since we have many product and can make new ones. All support and replacement offers are only valid if we are actively in business.

Just of note: Make sure you learn these systems, strategies and courses well and take notes. Due to ever changing technology, software issues with this shopping cart software or any other software we are using, going out of business, life changes, natural disasters etc. for whatever reason, your access to these products may suddenly cease with no remedy. Even though the stability of the Internet has come a long way it certainly cannot be guaranteed either. Although we would love for this shopping cart software to remain stable for you, for years and decades to come we can make no promises or guarantees based on the above mentioned factors. You probably already know this. But it’s easy to procrastinate. Really, the best thing to do is to learn our product, our system, our strategy so well that you’ve mastered and have it well “programmed” into your mind due to practice and use. We hope our products are of huge benefit to you. And since we now have hundreds upon hundreds of products in here that are all digital, and that now realizing that if technology changes, if the hosting company goes bad or if our shopping cart membership software go bad, poof, your access can be lost. Please see our disclaimers below regarding that there is not “lifetime access” to these products. Although we’d love to do that for you, we can’t because that’s not possible. And we make no guarantees of future access. So make sure you learn the products you purchased well while you can!

Note: there is no “lifetime access” to a product. There’s no guarantee of Lifetime access to a product. You did not buy the recordings you bought access to the information. When that access is cut off due to business or technical problems as noted below then you will have no more access do the product. Yes you have access as long as this website is up but when the website is down then all of your access to all products that you purchased is terminated. So your access to be able to go back and access the information from the product is limited to this website’s availability. Hence your purchase was to enable you immediate access to the information but no future access to the information is guaranteed. Now we hope to have this website up for a long time but we cannot promise you the future. And if we stop to stop doing business, if we go out of business, if we forget to renew our domain, if we forget to renew our hosting, or any other scenario that would cause us to stop maintaining our websites or have technical problems all information can disappear in a “poof”.

Although we would like to provide you convenient access to your courses for a very long, long time it is impossible to guarantee you and nor do we guarantee you such thing as “lifetime access” or “forever access”. So upon purchase learn any video or audio product apply it immediately and take very good notes (which should be obviously very valuable to do anyways. . You purchased access to the knowledge of these products not the actual product unless there is some download that we give you to download. Although we would love that give you forever access it’s just not possible practically speaking either. We say this because it is impossible to guarantee you future unlimited lifetime forever… access to these products. And we do not guarantee you nor did we ever guarantee you unlimited lifetime forever access. So take good notes and learn the system right away is the point. We’ve noticed people trying to login who bought products 10 years ago! They’ve had the product for 10 years still haven’t learned the system to mastery. Sorry, we require our students to be diligent and master our systems and strategies right away thereby for the sake of potentially putting them in much stronger probability positions for winning and compounding profits over time. Here is also why there is no forever access: We could go out of business or could just stop doing this business. Servers crash. Backups can be corrupted (and we just experienced that with an entire website recently and have to rebuild that site from scratch!). Life problems in general, disasters. health issues. hackers. governments.. for example, can cause problems that could prevent you from accessing your content. We’re stating all this because some people have any idea that they can just expect these courses to be up here forever well they never learn the course and memorize it, thereby putting it to work. These systems and strategies should be assimilated in days not years! We are also telling you this for your sake: 1. So you actually learn the system, strategy or course and assimilate it into “your system”, which is your mind of understanding through a. Historical study b. Historical paper trading c. Demo account Trading d. Real Trading. And once you go through that process you will “own the system into yourself”. 2. Technology goes bad all the time and so do people and one day all of your course content could be gone. We promise you no future access whatsoever. No one can. Hey at least we’ve been up with course access for what… now 12 years. That’s exceptional for the Internet! So remember that technically speaking, your courses could be gone tomorrow (although we would love for you to have access to them for decades to come yet we can offer no promise of tomorrow). So get to work! Learn & put to use the course you bought!

Also for membership content: your access to the content is only available if you are an active paying member therefore you are not purchasing content you are purchasing access to the content as it becomes available month by month.

We also tell you this now so you will pay close attention to the materials you purchased and learn them now. You’re supposed to do that anyways and that is for your benefit. So learn the materials now and put them to work. Make sure you take good notes.

So in summary we write this for clarity because some of you have a lot of our products. Some of you have bought some of our products many years ago and have sought to gain access many years later after forgetting a login. So we are reminded to tell you that you do not have lifetime access to our products you have only immediate access although we hope to provide you access for a long time we cannot guarantee you that. This is just how things are on the internet with membership area accessed products.



Note: there is no “lifetime access” to a product. There’s no guarantee of Lifetime access to a product. You did not buy the recordings you bought access to the information. When that access is cut off due to business or technical problems as noted below then you will have no more access do the product. Yes you have access as long as this website is up but when the website is down then all of your access to all products that you purchased is terminated. So your access to be able to go back and access the information from the product is limited to this website’s availability. Hence your purchase was to enable you immediate access to the information but no future access to the information is guaranteed. Now we hope to have this website up for a long time but we cannot promise you the future. And if we stop to stop doing business, if we go out of business, if we forget to renew our domain, if we forget to renew our hosting, or any other scenario that would cause us to stop maintaining our websites or have technical problems all information can disappear in a “poof”.

We also tell you this now so you will pay close attention to the materials you purchased and learn them now. You’re supposed to do that anyways and that is for your benefit. So learn the materials now and put them to work. Make sure you take good notes.

So in summary rewrite this for clarity because some of you have a lot of our products. Some of you have bought some of our products many years ago and have sought to gain access many years later after forgetting a login. So we are reminded to tell you that you do not have lifetime access to our products you have only immediate access although we hope to provide you access for a long time we cannot guarantee you that. This is just how things are on the internet with membership area accessed products.

You agree that we reserve the right to cut off access from any customer who acts in a belligerent or offensive way towards any member or employee of our company through any form of communication.

If you chargeback a product instead of asking for help and negotiating with us it’s through our various contact and support channels then you agree that you forfeit access to not just the purchases you charged back but all product purchased and you agree that your  access to your members area will be terminated.  You agree to be banned for life as a customer of ours.  Chargebacks harm our company. We have a no-refund policy that you agreed upon before you purchased. If you are struggling in your trading then let us know. If a system or strategy is not working out for you then let us know and we’ll see if you are accurately understanding the strategy or system first and then if so we can look to replace the product for you with another similar product.   Many students who have struggles with our products simply never actually learned the product correctly in the first place and therefore are not in position to judge the product as good or bad since they don’t even know what the product actually is. If  you are struggling with the product then it is your obligation to reach out to our support  desk for help. We can then make sure usually through screenshot annotation if you are understanding the trading system or strategy correctly. If you are and it’s not working out for you we can replace the product you purchased with another one.

By using our website or by contacting us through email or support ticket we reserve the right to use any positive feedback you provide on our testimonial page, customer feedback page, customer success story page or Hall of Fame page. By using this site and emailing us you agree to these terms with or without you your specific permission to do so. Additionally we will not use names but initials as to respect your privacy. But if you really enjoy the product and it has helped you trade better then we appreciate any good feedback and even any sort of video test you know you can send us. Thank you for the consideration.

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